Returns Info

We strive to ensure that our customers are satisfied with their purchases. However, if you are not completely satisfied, you are welcome to return the item within 30 days of receiving it.

In order to qualify for a return, the item must be in the condition in which it was received - unused, with all tags still attached, and in the original packaging. A receipt or proof of purchase is also required.

If you wish to start a return, please contact us at Please note that customers are responsible for return shipping costs unless the item arrived in an unsatisfactory condition. In such cases, please reach out to our support team with clear pictures or a video of the defect at,  and we will work with you to address your case individually. If the item is confirmed to be faulty, we will bear the costs of returning or exchanging the package.

If the item is returned in a condition different from how it was received, the customer may be held responsible for any loss in value. Please be aware that we will not accept items sent back to us without first initiating a return request.

For any questions or concerns regarding returns, you can always contact us at We're here to help ensure that your shopping experience with us is smooth and hassle-free.